Boost Your Sales: Sell on Amazon with Codisto and Shopify

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It's critical to investigate every option that can support business growth in the extremely competitive eCommerce environment of today. Two well-known sites that can assist you in growing your audience and increasing revenue are Amazon and Shopify. Nevertheless, if you're managing your business alone, managing sales on these two platforms can be time-consuming and difficult.

In this situation, Codisto is useful. You can link your Amazon and Shopify accounts using Codisto, a potent integration tool, and manage your inventory, orders, pricing, and listings from a single dashboard. You may improve productivity and streamline your eCommerce processes with Codisto.

In this blog post, we'll look at how Codisto can help you expand your eCommerce business by integrating Shopify and Amazon. We'll examine Codisto's advantages, how to configure it for integration with Shopify and Amazon, and how to manage inventory, orders, pricing, and listings across the two systems.

We'll also go through how to sync orders and tracking data between Amazon and Shopify, as well as how to sell on Amazon using Shopify Fulfillment. By the end of this article, you'll know more about how Codisto can help you scale your business and streamline your eCommerce processes.

Read on to learn how to utilise Codisto and increase your sales on Amazon and Shopify, whether you're new to eCommerce or an established merchant.

Why sell on Amazon?

The largest online market in the world, Amazon has more than 300 million active users globally. Selling on Amazon can be highly beneficial for companies of all sizes due to its enormous client base. Consider selling on Amazon for the following reasons:

Huge Client Base: With millions of active consumers globally, Amazon has a sizable customer base. You may not have been able to reach this large of an audience through your website or other sales methods, but selling on Amazon can help you do so.

Enhanced Visibility: Amazon is among the most widely used websites on the planet and one of the best resources for finding products. It can help your visibility and search engine rankings to list your products on Amazon.

Credibility and Trust: Customers recognise and trust Amazon as a reliable brand. You can leverage Amazon's reputation by selling there in order to strengthen your brand's credibility and win over more clients.

FBA Program: Via Amazon's Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) programme, vendors can keep their goods in the retailer's warehouses while Amazon takes care of the shipping, returns, and customer support. This means that while Amazon handles the logistics, you can concentrate on expanding your business.

Competitive Fees: Compared to other online marketplaces, Amazon's costs are competitive, and you only pay when you make a sale. Aside from different cost schedules, Amazon also provides pay-as-you-go and subscription-based programmes.

In conclusion, selling on Amazon can help you reach a sizable client base, improve your visibility, establish credibility, and benefit from the FBA programme and affordable fees.

Why use Shopify?

A well-known eCommerce platform called Shopify enables companies to build and manage their online stores. Consider adopting Shopify for your online shop for the following reasons:

Simple to Use: Shopify is an intuitive platform that enables you to quickly and easily set up your online store, even if you have no prior knowledge of eCommerce. The user interface of Shopify is simple and intuitive, making it simple to manage your shop and add new products.

Customizable: You can alter the look and feel of your online shop using any of the many templates and themes that Shopify offers. Additionally, you may expand the capabilities of your business by using the more than 6,000 apps in the Shopify app store.

Mobile-Friendly: Customers may visit your online store from their mobile devices thanks to Shopify, a platform that is mobile-friendly. Having a mobile-friendly store is crucial because more and more consumers are shopping online using their smartphones.

Shopify is a secure and dependable platform that uses SSL encryption to safeguard the personal and financial data of your clients. Also, Shopify boasts a 99.98% uptime rate, ensuring that clients can always access your shop.

Shopify works with more than 100 payment gateways, making it simple for you to take payments from clients all over the world. Moreover, Shopify has its own payment option, Shopify Payments, which has reasonable transaction costs and no additional setup costs.

In conclusion, Shopify is a user-friendly, adaptable, secure, and dependable platform. Shopify gives you the ability to build a distinctive online shop that represents your brand thanks to its extensive range of layouts, themes, and apps. Additionally, Shopify works with a variety of payment methods, making it simple for you to collect payments from clients all over the world.

Integrating Amazon and Shopify with Codisto

Codisto integration with Amazon and Shopify is a potent method for streamlining eCommerce processes and managing your online business more effectively. You may use Codisto to link your Shopify and Amazon accounts so that you can manage your inventory, orders, pricing, and listings from a single dashboard. Here's how to integrate Codisto with Shopify and Amazon:

Join Codisto: The initial step is to join Codisto. Several plans are available for you to select from, based on your company's needs.

Following the directions on the Codisto dashboard, you may connect your Amazon and Shopify accounts once you've joined up for the service. Your Shopify API key and Amazon MWS login information are required.

After establishing a connection between your Shopify and Amazon accounts, you may import your goods into Codisto. Based on the product information in your Shopify store, Codisto will automatically build Amazon product listings for your products.

Control Your Inventory: Codisto allows you to control all of your Amazon and Shopify inventory from a single dashboard. This implies that you may quickly update your product information, prices, and stock levels on both platforms.

Order and tracking information synchronisation between Shopify and Amazon is possible with Codisto, guaranteeing that your customers receive accurate information about their orders.

Control Your Pricing and Listings: Codisto also gives you the ability to control your pricing and listings on Shopify and Amazon. You can customise your product listings for each marketplace and set various prices for your products on each site.

In conclusion, combining Amazon and Shopify with Codisto will help you organise your online store better and optimise your eCommerce processes. You can sync orders and tracking data, update your pricing and listings, import inventory, manage your inventory, and connect your Shopify and Amazon accounts using Codisto. You may streamline your eCommerce operations using Codisto and concentrate on expanding your company.

Benefits of using Codisto

Businesses wishing to integrate Amazon and Shopify can take advantage of various advantages provided by Codisto. The following are a few of the primary advantages of using Codisto:

Streamlined eCommerce Operations: You can control your inventory, orders, pricing, and listings from a single dashboard by integrating Codisto with Amazon and Shopify. This can save you time and cut down on errors, ensuring that everything related to your online store runs properly.

Improved Sales: You may boost your sales and appeal to a larger audience by selling your products on Shopify and Amazon and managing them with Codisto. You may use Codisto to customise your listings for each marketplace, guaranteeing that potential customers can see your products.

Enhanced Efficiency: Codisto allows you to automate various eCommerce processes, which saves you time by eliminating the need for manual data entry. You'll be able to work more effectively and concentrate on expanding your company as a result.

Simplified Management: Codisto makes it simple to keep track of your eCommerce activities by letting you manage your Amazon and Shopify accounts from a single dashboard. Maintain control of your eCommerce business by easily managing your inventory, orders, pricing, and listings.

Reduced Errors: Using Codisto to manage your eCommerce operations can help you lower the likelihood of mistakes and errors. Many of your eCommerce tasks are automated by Codisto, which eliminates the need for human data entry and lowers the possibility of mistakes.

Gaining a competitive edge in the eCommerce market is possible by using Codisto to manage your Amazon and Shopify accounts. You may work more productively, reach a larger audience, and boost sales, which will help you stand out in a congested market.

In conclusion, businesses can gain a competitive edge by integrating Amazon and Shopify with Codisto. Other advantages include enhanced productivity, increased sales, simpler management, fewer mistakes, and streamlined eCommerce operations. You may succeed in the online marketplace and grow your eCommerce business by utilising Codisto.

Setting up Codisto for Amazon and Shopify integration

Codisto connection for Amazon and Shopify may be set up quickly and easily in a few simple steps. Here's how to configure Codisto for integration with Shopify and Amazon:

Join Codisto: The initial step is to join Codisto. Several plans are available for you to select from, based on your company's needs.

Following the directions on the Codisto dashboard, you may connect your Amazon and Shopify accounts once you've joined up for the service. Your Shopify API key and Amazon MWS login information are required.

After establishing a connection between your Shopify and Amazon accounts, you may import your goods into Codisto. Based on the product information in your Shopify store, Codisto will automatically build Amazon product listings for your products.

Create Price and Listings: Codisto allows you to create pricing and listings for your products on Shopify and Amazon. You can customise your listings for each marketplace and set various rates for each platform.

Order and shipping setup: Codisto enables you to sync your order and shipment data between Shopify and Amazon. In Codisto, you can configure your order and shipping settings to give your consumers accurate information about their orders.

Establishing a payment gateway in Codisto will enable you to take payments from consumers using Shopify and Amazon. With more than 100 payment gateway integrations, Codisto makes it simple to take payments from clients all over the world.

In conclusion, configuring Codisto for Amazon and Shopify connection is a simple task that can be finished in a few simple steps. You may import your inventory, set up pricing and listings, set up orders and delivery, set up your payment gateway, connect your Amazon and Shopify accounts, and more by following the steps on the Codisto dashboard. After Codisto is installed, you can manage your eCommerce operations more effectively, cut down on errors, and boost your sales on Shopify and Amazon.

Managing inventory across Amazon and Shopify

It might be difficult to maintain your inventory across Shopify and Amazon, especially if you use multiple platforms. Instead, you can manage your inventory across both platforms with Codisto from a single dashboard. With Codisto, follow these steps to manage inventories on Shopify and Amazon:

After linking your Shopify and Amazon accounts to Codisto, you may import your inventory onto the platform. Based on the product information in your Shopify store, Codisto will automatically build Amazon product listings for your products.

Sync Inventory: Codisto enables you to synchronise your inventory between Shopify and Amazon. This ensures that you don't oversell or undersell by immediately updating your inventory levels on both platforms when you make a sale on one site.

Control Stock Levels: Codisto allows you to control your inventory levels on Shopify and Amazon from a single dashboard. For each product, you may specify the minimum and maximum stock levels, and Codisto will notify you when your stock levels are getting low.

Manage Product Details: Codisto gives you access to a single dashboard from which you can manage your product details on both Shopify and Amazon. To maintain consistency between the two platforms, you can update your product titles, descriptions, and photos.

Handle Bundles and Variants: Codisto gives you the ability to manage bundles and variants on Shopify and Amazon. Codisto allows you to establish product bundles and variants, which are then automatically created on both platforms, saving you time and lowering the possibility of mistakes.

In conclusion, maintaining inventory across Shopify and Amazon can be difficult, but Codisto will help you manage your inventory more effectively and with fewer mistakes. You can streamline your eCommerce operations and concentrate on expanding your business by integrating your inventory into Codisto, syncing your inventory, maintaining stock levels, managing product descriptions, and managing bundles and variants. Codisto makes inventory management simple and enables you to keep precise inventory levels across Shopify and Amazon, guaranteeing that your customers receive their orders as soon as possible.

Selling on Amazon with Shopify Fulfillment

Using Shopify Fulfillment to sell on Amazon is a straightforward method to control your inventory and orders on both websites. Using Shopify Fulfillment, you can keep your goods in a fulfilment facility and have Amazon ship them to your customers. Here's how you use Shopify Fulfillment to sell on Amazon:

Join Shopify Fulfillment: The initial step is to join Shopify Fulfillment. To begin, you must enter the specifics of your goods and your shipping information.

Once you've signed up with Shopify Fulfillment, you can ship your products to the fulfilment centre. When you receive orders on Amazon, Shopify Fulfillment will store your goods and arrange the shipping.

Once your products are kept in the fulfilment centre, you can connect your Amazon account to Shopify. Via a single dashboard, you will be able to manage your orders and inventory across both platforms.

List Your Items on Amazon: You can list your products on Amazon after linking your Shopify account to your Amazon account. Shopify Fulfillment will manage delivery and give you tracking data when a customer puts an order on Amazon.

Handle Orders and Inventory: With Shopify Fulfillment, you can manage Orders and Inventory from a single dashboard for both Shopify and Amazon. This implies that managing your customer information, tracking your orders, and updating your stock levels are all simple processes.

Increase Your Reach: By using Shopify Fulfillment to sell on Amazon, you can increase your reach and connect with more people. You can easily manage your inventory and orders while selling your products on Amazon, ensuring that your consumers receive their orders in a timely manner.

In conclusion, using Shopify Fulfillment to sell on Amazon is a practical approach to coordinate your inventory and orders between the two platforms. You can streamline your eCommerce operations and concentrate on expanding your business by signing up for Shopify Fulfillment, shipping your products to the fulfilment centre, connecting your Amazon account to Shopify, listing your products on Amazon, managing your orders and inventory, and expanding your reach. Shopify Fulfillment makes it simple to sell on Amazon, handle orders and inventory, enabling you to work more effectively and generate more revenue there.

Syncing orders and tracking information

For eCommerce companies that sell on various platforms, like Amazon and Shopify, synching orders and tracking data is essential. Codisto makes it simple to sync orders and tracking data between Shopify and Amazon, guaranteeing that your customers receive accurate information about their orders. Here's how to use Codisto to sync orders and tracking data:

Establish a connection between your Amazon and Shopify accounts using Codisto as the first step. Codisto will automatically import your orders from both sites once your accounts are linked.

Sync Your Orders: Codisto enables you to sync your orders between Shopify and Amazon, giving you precise data on your sales and inventory levels. This lowers the possibility of overselling or underselling since when a consumer places an order on one platform, it automatically updates on the other platform.

Manage Your Orders: Codisto allows you to control all of your orders from Shopify and Amazon from a single dashboard. To make sure that your purchases are filled accurately and promptly, you may examine your order history, track your shipments, and manage your client information.

Sync Your Tracking Information: Codisto enables you to sync your tracking data between Shopify and Amazon, guaranteeing that your customers are provided with accurate order information. Codisto will automatically update the tracking information on both platforms when you send an order, lowering the possibility of errors and enhancing customer satisfaction.

Order processing activities can be automated with the help of Codisto, which eliminates the need for human data entry and saves you time. Order processing may be automated, lowering the possibility of mistakes and guaranteeing that your orders are delivered precisely and on time.

In conclusion, synchronising orders and tracking data is essential for eCommerce companies that offer on various platforms. With Codisto, you can manage all of your orders from a single dashboard and automate a lot of your order processing activities. Codisto makes it simple to connect your orders and tracking data between Shopify and Amazon. Using Codisto can help you work more effectively, make fewer mistakes, and increase customer happiness, all of which will help your eCommerce business function smoothly and expand over time.

Managing pricing and listings on Amazon and Shopify

It can be difficult and time-consuming to manage listings and pricing on Shopify and Amazon. Yet, Codisto makes it simpler to optimise your eCommerce operations because you can control your pricing and listings across all platforms from a single dashboard. Here's how to use Codisto to manage listings and prices on Shopify and Amazon:

Create Price Rules: Codisto enables you to create pricing rules for each product, enabling you to specify various rates for each platform. This implies that you can tailor your pricing strategy to each market, keeping you competitive and boosting your earnings.

Enhance Your Listings: Codisto enables you to enhance your listings for each platform, ensuring that the information about your products is correct and current. Maintaining identical product information across all platforms is made easier thanks to the ability to edit your product titles, descriptions, and photos from a single dashboard.

Managing Your Inventory: With Codisto, you can keep an accurate and up-to-date record of your stock levels by managing your inventory across Shopify and Amazon. This lowers the chance of overselling or underselling since when a consumer places an order on one platform, it automatically updates your inventory levels on the other platform.

Change Your Listings: Using Codisto, you can alter your product information to make it more appropriate for each marketplace by customising your listings for each platform. In order to help customers find your products and increase your exposure on each platform, you can add custom data and attributes to your listings.

Sync Your Prices and Listings: Codisto enables you to sync your pricing and listings between Shopify and Amazon, guaranteeing that your product prices and information is correct and up-to-date. As a result, whenever you change your pricing or product information on one platform, it will also update automatically on the other, saving you time and lowering the possibility of mistakes.

In conclusion, managing pricing and listings on Shopify and Amazon might be difficult, but Codisto can help you run your eCommerce business more effectively and maximise your sales on both platforms. You may organise your eCommerce operations and concentrate on expanding your business by setting up price rules, optimising your listings, controlling your inventory, customising your listings, and syncing your pricing and listings. Codisto makes it easier to manage pricing and listings, enabling you to work more productively and boost your sales on Shopify and Amazon.


In conclusion, integrating Amazon and Shopify using Codisto can help you organise your eCommerce activities and boost your sales on both platforms. Codisto makes it easier to manage inventory, pricing, and listings so you can concentrate on expanding your business.

Using Codisto lowers the possibility of overselling or underselling by allowing you to manage your inventory across Shopify and Amazon from a single dashboard. Also, you can establish pricing guidelines for each platform, ensuring that you are profitable and competitive. Also, you may tailor your listings for each platform, ensuring that the information about your products is correct and current.

Moreover, Codisto makes it simple to integrate your orders and tracking data between Shopify and Amazon, lowering the possibility of errors and raising customer happiness. Many of your order processing processes can be automated, requiring less manual data entry and saving you time.

Ultimately, Codisto can streamline your eCommerce processes and increase productivity by integrating Shopify and Amazon. You may save time and cut errors by managing your inventory, pricing, and listings through a single dashboard. This will free up your time so you can concentrate on expanding your business. No matter how big or small your eCommerce business is, Codisto can help you improve productivity and boost sales on Shopify and Amazon.

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