Meet Magento UK '22 - The Value of Older Consumers in eCommerce
The Value of Older Consumers in eCommerce
with Janis Thomas
The date: June 21st, the time: 9.00 am, the place: The Mermaid, London
The event? Meet Magento UK 2022!
It's day 7 of our Meet Magento UK 2022 coverage and today we look at the last track session in the business category. So far we've learned about Composable Commerce, being lean, the checkout experience, the customer journey, conversion and yesterday we looked at CX and EX. Today we're talking inclusivity, understanding your customer and accessibility, but before that, it's time for some quick housekeeping.
As we begin to find our new normal in a post-pandemic world it's important to remember that live events, such as Meet Magento UK 2022 and all of its scheduled content are subject to change. We will do all we can to update you on any changes through the series and on our social media pages however, we always advise you that the MM22UK website is always the best place to get the most up-to-date information, especially if you are attending on the day. Now that's out of the way, let's talk about the value of the older customer.
Business track - 16.10pm - 16.40pm
The Value of Older Consumers in eCommerce
In 2013, Tricia Cusden founded the now global company, Look Fabulous Forever, with the vision of helping older women who love makeup to look, feel and live fabulous. In this session with Janis Thomas, we'll be hearing about some of the ways that Look Fabulous Forever has taken advantage of and crafted sound strategies for capturing the older generation of customers.
Covering topics such as
- Moving from exclusive to inclusive
- You are not your customer: overcoming your biases
- How to understand your customer and leverage that insight
- The impact of accessibility
this session is going to be a fascinating case study on not just the acquisition and retention of this older demographic but the value of investing in them as consumers and, with more and more older customers going online, it's time the world of eCommerce stepped up and provided for them in the same way it provides for others.
Is this session for me?
If you are looking to break into the older market or have a vision for a product or service where the older customer is the target audience then this is the session for you. Though, in reality, even if that's not you, you can still learn a lot from this session.
Who is Janis Thomas?
Janis Thomas
- eCommerce marketing director @ Look fabulous Forever
- 1st MMUK appearance
- 20+ years experience
LinkedIn = linkedin.com/in/janisthomas
Twitter = twitter.com/JanisThomasMktg / @JanisThomasMktg
Our final thoughts...
As always, thank you for supporting us by reading this post, we greatly apprecite it and would love to see you share it on your favourite social platforms. Join us tomorrow as we take our first look at the Technical track and see what its first session has to offer. Until then, stay safe and have a great day.
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