Robust eCommerce website - What are the technical skills required to build one
Robust eCommerce website - What are the technical skills required to build one?
To be dominant online and to be the lion in the online selling and buying jungle, you need the right experience and knowledge to build, compete, strive and grow to become a successful player as an eCommerce shop. Why is this important? New businesses are emerging online every minute, every day, trying to meet the ever-evolving demand of online buying….
With good old-fashioned supply and demand, demand of the here and now is growing by the minute, with everyone wanting a bigger piece of the eCommerce pie.
You would think setting up an online shop would be easy, right? But building a successful website in no easy task. There is an array of technical skills for eCommerce development that are mandatory. Experience with web development social media, content marketing, UI, UX, design, programming, and testing are needed to work like a well-oiled wheel, simultaneously, to achieve success.
There isn’t a magic wand to make this work, what there is available is the tools, and competent, experienced individuals, such as eCommerce Developers who you can find easily on websites like Developer Connection. This is a major tip for your business to soar the heights online, although will not be a quick fix process, you will need to invest time in the long-haul approach to be effective.
This is why businesses struggle today to find the right person with the right experience and skills, who are well versed with the complexity that this domain brings to the table.
Let’s look at the top eCommerce Skills Required to Build & Maintain an eCommerce Website:
1. Technology Intellect
Many Magento 2 developers say opting for an open-source platform provides an open canvas for you to fill; which is where a technology architect enters the frame. E-commerce is all about you giving attention to the most effective technologies on offer. The genius here lies in the detail and the importance of making it your focus. Simply finalizing the structure of the site is itself a daunting task.
Ergo, a senior technology architect or advisor is needed to dedicate themselves to work towards meeting project goals and minimizing technical issues. This key individual will act as an intermediate between the development team and the rest of the staff.
2. User Experience Design
The user experience is your call to action, and key to all your decision making. A successful brand sells itself but coming up with the ‘one’ that ‘just clicks’ isn’t easy. To this end millions are spent hiring vastly experienced UX designers, because a solid ecommerce website design is key to the user. Planning the overall website navigation, the menu design, product filters, wireframes, design mock-ups; etc is the role of a competence, skilled UX designer.
3. Website Design
Website Design is different to UX design, it includes the pictorial representation bits; the aesthetic appeal. How a website entity appears plays a crucial part in your customers journey to remain on the site and ultimately buy. It is a marketing fundamental you can’t do without.
The design segment of the brand should work together with what the brand stands for. It should conform to the brand's core message.
A good design speaks for itself, whereas, a substandard design can harm a brand’s position on the market. Social media is about one-second glance; so by getting the A-okay first time, you’ll get the desired result.
4. Front-end Development
Once all the ‘ducks are in order’ as above, the front-end development enters the arena (or pond!)
Front-end development is the art of creating CSS, JavaScript, and presentational HTML code in order to build a solid user interface.
A front-end developer, intakes from a UX designer and then executes using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Their task it to make sure pages load quickly, code is effective and images are optimized, ensuring that the website code and design are in harmony.
5. Backend Development
'Today's programming is a race for software engineers to build bigger, better programs that are fool-proof, with the human race wanting more and more.
Your website is not simply a website; it's a collection of code in a way that makes your brand presentable online. This work goes on behind the scenes; and not easy on the eye but is the backbone of your website.
It is due to backend development that you can in-take actions from website visitors and then interacts with them, therefore solid backend development is a must.
6. Content Writing
Content writing is the ability to indulge in constructive communication online. Not limited to blogs; something small as footer content can be effectively pinned in a way that shows the brand in good light.
Here, content writing blog descriptions, category descriptions, website blurbs, ‘About us’ content, videos, articles, and more; form key content ‘marketing’ to be more specific. Key is that writing content badly will lose a large percentage of your customers. And good content writing is the major role in positive SEO for brands. Therefore, keyword-oriented content both unique and relevant is the name of the game in the e-commerce industry today.
7. Overall Website Testing
The extent of our communication is determined not by the extent to which we say things, but by the extent to which we are understood.
Your eCommerce website needs to be validated before it can be displayed in front of the customer. Whether it’s the website code, interface, UX, design, or content, you need to be sure it works correctly. Providing resources and time testing should be done on every small detail on different devices, by all staff member and mor, and brainstorming by all involved welcomed for feedback.
8. Data Analysis
An e-commerce website is meant for visitors. Visitors bring millions of gigabytes of data and leave the data marks for analysts use.
The data provides answer to questions like ‘which web page is being viewed and for how long. The user movements using their cursor on the landing page. Show volume of web page visits. Top-selling and least selling products. The number of blogs being read. And key information, like the website load time and the average session time per user. And will also show any errors being faced by users.
These types of detail are the concern for the data analysts. This analysed data is recorded for the betterment of the website as a whole and most importantly to improve sales consistently.
9. Digital Marketing
We are today living in an ‘online age’ of digital marketing and this is why every eCommerce Store Development Company should have.
Digital marketing involves brand building, building a follower base, reaching your audience and forming a well-rounded online presence.
The digital marketing can takes shape after analysis, as the digital marketer uses the volumes of data collected to form the marketing campaigns. These campaigns include social media management, Google Adwords, e-mail marketing, SMS marketing, YouTube Ads, and a lot more.
Basically, digital marketing is a combination of SEO, SMM (Social media management), Advertising, and brand building.
10. Paid Advertising
The competition is fierce. Every day, a variety of companies are entering the market in search of sales and customers therefore the need for paid advertising is a necessary tool for every e-commerce brand.
Nowadays all Google searches are dominated by [Ad] banners all around, on the top, on the right, and at the bottom; there’s no respite. Be it Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube, ads are everywhere. It has become evident that there is a need to spend to get leads. Times have changed. Simple SEO is not enough if you want to see your numbers grow right away.
11. Search Engine Optimization
Successful SEO is about partnering with Google to provide the best search results for Google’s users.
SEO or search engine optimization is the pillar that drives e-commerce success and is due to SEO that your website links appear higher in the search engine rankings; which is how people get to know about your brand, offerings, products, and services.
It is essential not only to get sales but to put your brand on the map.
It is not to misguide Google or other search engines, but to help the search engine crawlers better understand what you have to offer.