Meet Magento UK '21 - Talia Shani, Polly Lygoe, Oleksandr Lyzun & Russell Flawn
Today's blog finds us covering the 10.30am - 11.00am sessions of this year's Meet Magento UK. Much like the 10am talks, these three sessions are full of exciting potential and are not to be missed! But obviously, you can't watch all three, live at the same time, so which one do you pick? Well, that's what we're here to help you decide.
Talia Shani & Polly Lygoe
Merchant track - 10.30am -11.00am
Amazing Women in eCommerce:
Panel Discussion
Amazing Women in eCommerce is an incredible community of strong, talented, hard-working women that was founded by Yotpo back in 2018.
Its purpose is to recognise, elevate and honour those who have worked tirelessly within the ecomm industry. By doing so they are not only shaping and influencing the current eCommerce landscape but also their peers and future generations.
Join Talia Shani & Polly Lygoe as they spend some time discussing leadership in the e-commerce space, some highs and lows of the road already travelled and give practical, insightful advice to help you avoid potential mistakes in your adventure with eCommerce.
Who is this session for?
If you have a pulse then this is the perfect session for you. Be you, merchant, developer, agency, client or employee there will be something in this panel for you to learn from.
Who are Talia Shani & Polly Lygoe?
Talia Shani has spent the last eight years working at Yotpo where she has been their Marketing Manager, director of content and for the last 4 years she has worked as their UK director of marketing.
Polly Lygoe brings almost 20 years worth of industry knowledge and experience to the panel having spent 13 years at Reading Room where her roles included project manager, account director & team leader, client service director and strategy director before moving on to being a business director, strategy director and a consultant for a range of different companies. Today she serves as the client services director of a small company you may have heard of, JH.
Find more on Talia, Polly, Yotpo and Amazing Women in eCommerce by following the links below.
Talia Shani
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/talia-shani-39018189/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/Talia_Shani
Polly Lygoe
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/pollylygoe/
Website - https://www.yotpo.com/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/Yotpo
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/yotpo/
Amazing Women in eCommerce
Website - https://womeninecomm.yotpo.com/
Oleksandr Lyzun
Technical track - 10.30am -11.00am
Troubleshoot Magento with NewRelic
In this session, Oleksandr will talk you through how to use the NewRelic service to observe, manage and prevent potential issues with your Magento installation. But what is NewRelic? And how can it help?
NewRelic is a server monitoring service that will show you the overall health of your server/s using lots of different metrics.
One of the best uses of the NewRelic service is its ability to alert you if the server might be heading into trouble before it happens, meaning you can almost future proof your server/s.
Who is this for?
If you are a merchant or business owner looking to understand more about how NewRelic can help your business or a developer looking to learn new skills, expand your knowledge or need a refreshing perspective then this is the seminar for you.
Who is Oleksandr Lyzun?
With over 15 years of experience working on and developing Magento installations, Oleksandr is now the Magento team lead at Comwrap. He is also active in the broader Magento ecosystem as a community and DevDocs maintainer and owns the coveted title of Magento Master.
Find more on Oleksandr and NewRelic by following the links below.
Oleksandr Lyzun
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/nuzil/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/nuzil
MM20UK talk - https://youtu.be/my4qmj2jPmk
Website - https://newrelic.com/
Russell Flawn
Solution track - 10.30am -11.00am
Pure360: Psychology of Email Marketing
There are those out there that claim that email marketing is dead and a thing of the past but, let's be honest here, they're just kidding themselves.
Join Russell Flawn as he dives into the world of Email marketing and how you can use behavioural economics to focus on those customers you want to reach. But what is behavioural economics? I hear you ask.
Behavioural economics
Behavioural economics observes the decision-making process of an individual or organisation. Then it takes into consideration the effects that psychological, cognitive, emotional, cultural and social factors played into making that decision.
Don't worry if that sounds incredibly complicated because you have Russell, an expert in this area, to explain it in more detail and to show you new and innovative ways to use this marketing channel.
Who is this for?
If you don't do any kind of email marketing or if you do but you're stuck in a rut then this will be a great seminar for you. Email marketing is as valuable as ever and if you want to know how to leverage this channel to acquire and create loyal customers then this is a session you don't want to miss.
Who is Russell Flawn?
Russell worked at Telegen UK for two years as a telesales agent and later as a team leader before moving to Reed finance as a consultant. A year later he found his 14 year home at Pure 360 as their business development manager for the agency team. Since then he has been a sales manager, the head of channel and international sales, the head of partnership management, head of product marketing & DPO and the head of strategy & partnerships before recently becoming Pure 360's commercial director.
Find more on Russell and Pure360 by following the links below.
Russell Flawn
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/russellflawn/
Pure 360
Website - https://www.pure360.com/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/Pure360
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/pure360/
Our final thoughts….
Join us again tomorrow as we take a look at how to leverage demand, preloading data, conversational commerce and personalisation. Until then, thank you for taking time out to read our article on what is going to be an incredible online event. Stay safe everyone and have a great day.
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