Meet Magento UK '22 - How Drawing Pigs Creates Commercial Advantage
How Drawing Pigs Creates Commercial Advantage
with Osvaldo Spadano
The date: June 21st, the time: 9.00 am, the place: The Mermaid, London
The event? Meet Magento UK 2022!
In today's blog, we'll be taking a look at the second session of the Business track with Osvaldo Spadano but before we do let's go over our usual housekeeping rules for live events.
All of the details in this blog are accurate at the time of writing however, as is the nature of the live event, things are always subject to change. We'll do our best to keep you updated throughout this series of any changes but the MM22UK website is the best place to check for the latest info
With all of that out of the way, let's talk about drawing pigs!
Business track - 11.35am - 12.05pm
How Drawing Pigs Creates Commercial Advantage
In this session, Osvaldo will be talking about the widely used Lean philosophy and how you can begin to integrate it into the daily running of your enterprise. But what is this philosophy? Where does it come from? And how can it help your business?
The Lean philosophy
Originating in Japanese culture, the Lean Philosophy found its western fame in an article written by Bob Hartman in 1988 called "Triumph of the Lean Production System" based on the Toyota Production System (TPS) being carried out by the famous car manufacturer.
At its core, Lean seeks to reduce and eliminate waste from the manufacturing process by determining the value of each step in the process. Anything that does not add value is considered waste and according to the philosophy, must be removed.
For example, if I ran a car manufacturing business and at the end of the process I had a machine wash the car before loading it onto the back of a lorry to be delivered to the dealership. By the time the car get's to the dealership it is now dirty and in need of another wash and so the salesmen there wash the car a second time.
I can see that the wash I give the car at my factory is costing me time, which could be used to speed up the delivery of the car and money that I am spending on soap, water, electricity etc. By removing the first wash I can begin to make my company leaner.
The two main pillars
This philosophy rests upon its two main pillars of continuous improvement and respect through equality. It causes you to see and define value and waste and to make positive changes accordingly. It also encourages you to hear what your workers/colleagues are saying, giving them an opportunity to help you implement change, add value and remove waste.
Using this philosophy should lead to an increase in
- efficiency
- quality
- time effectiveness
- productivity
across your whole business as you continually seek to improve the processes that you implement, becoming more agile and informed as you and your co-workers carry out your daily tasks.
What's drawing a Pig got to do with it?
... I have no idea, but I'm sure interested to find out! Feel free to leave your ideas down in the comments, I'd love to hear some of your theories.
Is this session for me?
If you like what you have read so far and want to learn more then this is definitely the session for you. The biggest advantage here is that the size of your business doesn't matter, be you a freelancer or a mega-corp owner, you can apply lean principles at any time.
Who is Osvaldo Spadano?
Osvaldo Spadano
- Founder and CEO of Akoova
- 2nd MMUK appearance
- 30+ years experience
LinkedIn = linkedin.com/in/osvaldospadano
Twitter - twitter.com/ospadano / @ospadano
MMUK21 session = Akoova fireside chat - lean thinking for retailers
Our final thoughts...
In reality, the 20/25 mins that Osvaldo has to explain lean is not a great deal of time at all so it may be worth you reading up on this philosophy and its principles beforehand. It may also be helpful for you to read up on Six Sigma too as these philosophies were combined in recent history to produce lean six sigma which is the philosophy that most companies use today.
Now when I said that 20/25 mins wasn't a huge amount of time to explain lean, it's nowhere near enough time to go into lean six sigma so Osvaldo may not touch on it at all but this session will definitely be a great starting point for your lean journey.
Join us again tomorrow as we take a look at session three of the business track but until then we hope you have a great day and remember, you can hire your next Magento developer quickly, easily and hassle-free using Developerconnection.co.uk