Meet Magento UK '22 - How a new model of hiring resources completely transformed our company i4
How a new model of hiring resources completely transformed our company i4
with Antonija Tadic
The date: June 21st, the time: 9.00 am, the place: The Mermaid, London
The event? Meet Magento UK 2022!
Welcome back to the second of today's Meet Magento UK double bill. In this blog we'll be taking a look at how i4, an international eCommerce solutions provider, change the way they hired new talent to their ranks. But before we do, here's a quick note to for you know.
If you've been reading all of your coverage blogs so far, firstly, thank you and secondly, we know that you already know what's coming. Meet Magento UK is a live, in-person event and as such is subject to change and so, even though this blog is accurate at the time of writing, we would like to encourage you to check out the MM22UK website for all the latest info regarding the event. With that said, let's move onto the good stuff.
Technical track - 15.00pm - 15.30pm
How a new model of hiring resources completely transformed our company i4
In this session Antonija Tadic will take us through the experiances had by i4 when looking to recrute new blood into the team after recieving an offer to hire developers from international agiencies. Normally this kind of hire comes with a lot of complexity and can be quite the challenge for companies when working with people from locations, complications related to time zones, language barriers, transaction fees and the such can and often do arise so what lead i4 to not only take advantage of this iffer but to go as far as to reconstruct their company becasue of it.
She will talk about the challenges that came with this decision and how as a company they tackled and eventually overcame them along with giving insights and advice on how you too can make this hiring method work for you, how to choose the right person/people and how to interact and exchange information with new team members to ensure a smooth and happy working relationship.
Is this session for me?
If you're looking to hire soon or in need of new and permenant team members or if you have recently brought some new people in and want to learn of great ways to ease that process and remove any unseen pain points then this is the session for you. This would also be great for you if you are a developer looking to offer your services internationally, having knowledge like this under your belt could help you land yout dream job with a company or organisation who hasn't even thought about international outsourcing, being able to show them a great way of how it could work would deffinatly work to your favour.
Who is Antonija Tadic?
Antonija Tadic
- Project Management Officer at Interativ4 inc
- 2nd MMUK appearance
- 10+ years experience
LinkedIn = linkedin.com/in/antonijatadic/
Twitter = twitter.com/Antonija_Tadic / @Antonija_Tadic
MMUK20 session = 10 Tips to Get the Most out of Your Development Team
Our final thoughts...
Hiring anyone new is always an interesting task, regardless of whether they're local or international but with the hints and tips that Antonija will give in this session I've no doubt that they can be applied to your next search and help to make the process much easier.
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And that's not all, there are no markups, hidden fees or surprise charges, all of our costs are upfront and clear from the get go so that you can spend your time finding the perfect project and developer for you.
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