Meet Magento UK '22 - Bringing power of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to experiences with Adobe Sensei
Bringing the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to experiences with Adobe Sensei
with Sakshi Bissa
The date: June 21st, the time: 9.00 am, the place: The Mermaid, London
The event? Meet Magento UK 2022!
Good morning one and all and welcome back to the final day of our Meet Magento UK 2022 coverage. In the first of today's blogs, we're going to be talking AI, ML and Adobe Sensei as we look at the final seminar in the Technical track. But before then, let's talk news
By the time you read this, things may have changed again so as always we'd encourage you to go and read the official MM22UK website for the most up-to-date info, however, sadly Vinai Kopp tweeted today that he has a fever and is unable to make it to this years MMUK event. He was slated for session 5 on the Technical track and with about a day and a half to go, it may be that this slot is not filled on the day. We'd like to wish Vinai the speediest of recoveries.

We've also noticed a few additions and tweaks here and there so we'll get to work on updating our blogs and sending through a list as soon as possible. With that all said, let's get into today's main topic.
Technical track - 16.10pm - 16.40pm
Bringing the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to experiences with Adobe Sensei
This talk will be about how to use AI and machine learning to better the experiences of your client's customers. Using a live demo to show off some modular commerce, Sakshi Bissa will share with you how Adobe Sensei will enable developers and merchants alike to understand the needs and wants of their respective customers. Looking at features like live search and product recommendations, this session will highlight some of the best features for platform personalisation that will entice customers to return over and over again.
Is this session for me?
If you are looking to gain some more knowledge on AI and machine learning, learn more about composable commerce from a technical viewpoint or just want to immerse yourself in more of Adobe's cloud offerings with Adobe Sensei then this is the talk for you.
Who is Sakshi Bissa?
Sakshi Bissa
- Software engineer at Ranosys
- 1st MMUK appearance
- 4+ years experience
LinkedIn = linkedin.com/in/sakshi-bissa
Our final thoughts...
This concludes our track coverage for this year's Meet Magento UK event. Be sure to join us later today as we take a deep dive into both opening and closing keynote speakers and their sessions. If you are travelling today to get to London ready for the big day tomorrow then we hope you have a comfortable and stress-free trip and as always thank you for taking time out of your day to spend with us. Until our next blog, stay safe and have a great day.
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