Automatic availability management
When you are looking for a Magento developer for your project, it can be hard to guarantee that they will have the free time to actually work on it. When using other services as a developer, you have to manually manage your own availability, updating the hours you are available to work on projects. Realistically this is not something which is actively managed at all by the majority of developers, and it's common to just add in the total number of hours you are able to work in a week and leave it as is regardless of what you might actually be working on at any given moment. This means that clients can have no real idea of whether a developer they contact actually has the available hours to work on their project.
Developer Connection works differently because it automatically manages developer availability. All the developer has to do is set the maximum number of hours they are able to work in a week and we manage the rest. This works because on project creation you define the number of hours developers should work on the project so when hiring a developer or team, we know how many hours less each involved developer will have to work.
This information forms part of the automatic matching logic and means that if a developer gets matched to a client project you can be sure they can actually commit the time to work on it. This gives you confidence that every developer you see matched to a project both has the skills and experience to complete it, but also the available time.
Complex filtering of the developers which get matched to Developer Connection projects is a big part of what allows our service to stand head and shoulders above other options. We remove the problem of finding devs with availability by making sure every dev matched to a project actually has the time to work on it. As well as this you can also be guaranteed that every dev already has the skills and experience you need, plus when adding a budget to the project is also within budget.
All of this makes for a system that just works, and works really well. So get ahead of the competition, and save yourself both time and money by creating your project or buying a developer subscription with us today.