Reviews and Ratings

Reviews and Ratings

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At Developer Connection, we understand how much a first-hand recommendation can count for when looking for your next developer or client.  That's why we give you the ability to review and rate every contact you work with.  Doing this adds accountability on both sides to the process of finding and working with your next quality contact, and encourages forming strong, fair and productive working relationships.

We present reviews and ratings in a quick and easy way to digest, with an overall percent for each developer or client you connect with, and the ability to click through to read the full individual reviews and ratings written by previous contacts.  As well as being able to review and rate all of your contacts, those contacts are also able to send a response to your review.

We often find that with respect to reviews and ratings the ball is almost always primarily in the client's court where a review can almost always be left commenting on the work the developer has done.  It is of course absolutely right that the client should be able to review the developer, but it's also right that the developer should also be able to have their say on how they found working with the client.

At Developer Connection, we have implemented a fair and open review system where both parties can leave honest feedback on how they felt a working relationship went.  This gives invaluable feedback to future contacts and creates a fair system where those future contacts can gain real insight into previous working relationships from the perspective of both parties.  This will often form a key component in selecting the right working relationship to move forward with.  Accountability to the other party drives better, healthier and more productive working relationships which are likely to persist for longer and give better end results with both parties working to achieve a solid, valuable connection.

You can write a review and rate a contact as soon as work starts on a project, but can see previous reviews and ratings as soon as you connect with the other party and have their contact details.  We recommend working with a contact for a while, and waiting for at least one invoice to have been sent/cleared before reviewing and rating your contact as we find you get a fuller picture of how the working relationship is forming over time rather than immediately.  Have a look at our blog post on building a productive working relationship for more thoughts around this.

Make your next valuable developer or client connection today by creating your project with us or subscribing today!

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