Easily hire and create teams

Easily hire and create teams

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Even before a single line of code was written to create Developer Connection, a lot of thought went into what users should be able to do with the service right from the start, and this was based on a couple of things:

  • Our own in-depth experience of managing and developing Magento projects at Hussey Coding Limited over the last decade.
  • Seeing what features other services lack but would really work well in the Magento ecosystem.

We have a whole blog section dedicated to talking about the great features of Developer Connection and in this post we continue that series in talking about using our service to quickly and easily hire or create development teams.

Using other services you will quickly realise that the focus is almost entirely on just single freelancers.  While we certainly welcome single freelance developers at Developer Connection, our service is very much more open being aimed at freelancers, companies, agencies and anything else in between.  Our service also caters for the huge numbers of high-quality Magento clients and developers in that middle ground between what you are likely to see on other services like Upwork where absolute lowest cost is the key concern, and the top tier of large companies who are most likely to go straight to an (extremely expensive) officially affiliated Magento tech partner - which the partners pay Magento very handsomely for the privilege of by the way.

So while in the lower end of the market you really only expect the need for single devs on each project, in many cases above that range there are hosts of projects where a single dev just won't cut it, and a development team is the order of the day.  And that's why we have made it super quick and easy to hire and create development teams on Developer Connection.  We have a blog post on creating your project and this gives brief information on all the project fields you can optionally complete, including where to say you need a development team.  For the Magento developers out there we also have a post giving you a full rundown on the quick and easy creation of development teams.

Having a development team work on your project is a fantastic way to both move things along quicker, but also make use of a range of development talent as no two developers are exactly the same in their skills and experience.  When your development team gets matched to a client project, the client will be able to see the size of the development team, and also view the profiles of each individual developer in that team.  What's more our automatic availability management for developers comes into play during project matching, and the size of the team is adjusted automatically in the case of individual developers who are part of the team being involved in another project outside of that team.  So what you see is what you get, if your project gets matched of a team of 3 developers, all of those developers have availability to work on your project even though there might actually be 5 developers with the team at full capacity.

So if you are looking for, or have a Magento development team, take advantage of our effective, built-in teams functionality today by creating your project with us, or starting your developer subscription.

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